The faces game - Let's play!
Storytelling Time! "Hippo has a hat" (told by the teacher)
Let's play with the teacher! We practice some body parts!
"Caterpillar shoes" story
Let's count ladybirds. GAME
(Contemos mariquitas)
Let's play STOP GAME!
SPRING is here!
Aprendemos vocabulario de animalitos de primavera.
The snail and the whale - storytelling
El caracol y la ballena, un cuento que ya contamos en clase.
Who took the cookie? Was it the teacher?
¿Quién cogió la galleta? ¿Fue la profe?
Let's sing and dance with the teacher!
¡A cantar y bailar!
Specially for these rainy rainy days, enjoy it!
especialmente para este día lluvioso
Hello! Watch the video and sing with the teacher...
I hope you like it!
¡Hola! Mira el video y canta con la "teacher". Espero que os guste
¡La primavera está ya aquí!
Let's listen to this short storytelling:
Let's practice some sounds:
(Para practicar los diferentes sonidos, pincha en "Sound")
As you all may know, we have been learning
and practicing some new sounds.
Check this video that includes the songs
we've learnt.
We learn about pirates and sea animals!
It's winter time! Let's have some fun!
Winter has come and it's time to learn some pieces of clothing for this time of the year.
It's Christmas and we love singing!
Games for counting
Let's play Rock, Scissors, Paper.
The days of the week

Autumn just arrived and we love it!
Os dejo la canción que cantamos en la Fiesta del Otoño
el pasado 15 de noviembre.
We learn the parts of the body.