The faces game, let's play!
Storytelling Time! "I'm just a little bird"
Let's have fun! We practice some body parts!
Where's that monkey? Storytelling with the teacher!
"The mixed up cameleon" story
Spring Vocabulary Game STOP
Let's count ladybirds. GAME
(Contemos mariquitas)
SPRING is here!
Aprendemos vocabulario de animalitos de primavera.
Let's sing and dance with the teacher!
¡A cantar y bailar!
Specially for this rainy rainy day, enjoy it!
(especialmente para el día lluvioso de hoy)
Hello! Watch the video and sing with the teacher...
I hope you like it!
(¡Hola! Mira el video y canta con la "teacher". Espero que os guste)
Spring is here! Let's sing a song!
(Puzzle con mariquitas. Pincha aquí)
(Pinta y haz flores. Desliza los dibujos de la parte de abajo a la izquierda)
Practice this song at home with mummy and daddy
and say "peekaboo"
The 3 year-old classes love this song!
We learn about pirates and sea animals!
Winter is here! Dance with us!
This is the Christmas carol we learnt at school. Are you ready?
Five little ducks song! We enjoy it so much!

Autumn just arrived and we love it!

Feelings and emotions song